Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Was the Prophet Muhammad the last Prophet of Allah according to the Qur’an?



Allah will continuously send messengers. Any one can be a messenger in fact a mail man, UPS can be messengers. But these messengers will not be blessed with Prophet-hood…

Allah says

“It is not meet for a Human Being that Allah should give him the Book and Government and ‘Nabuwah’ (Prophethood), then he should say to people: Be subservient to me rather than Allah; but on the contrary (he would say): Become sustenance providers (to mankind) because of your teaching the Book and your studying (it yourselves).” (3:79)

Allah makes it clear that ‘Nabuwah’ (Prophet-hood) has closed/ended/sealed/finshed with the coming of Prophet Muhammad.

Allah says clearly,

“Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and last of the prophets. And ever is Allah , of all things, Knowing.”

The Arabic word khātama comes khā tā mīm (خ ت م) which means to seal/stamp/imprint/impress, to secure/protect oneself against a thing, produce an impression or effect upon a thing, reach the end of a thing, cover over a thing, turn away/avoid/shun someone or something, to not understand, prevent the heart from believing, feign heedlessness.

“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but ‘rasūla’(the is the Messenger) of Allah,‘wakhātama’(and Seal) ‘l-nabiyīna’ (OF THE PROPHETS): And Allah has full knowledge of all things.”

Allah uses the Arabic word ‘wakhātama’(and Seal) and the Arabic root is Khatama which means: To seal, Put a signet upon Stamp, Imprint, End, ==> Complete a thing <==

The din of Islam is complete with the coming of the sending down of the Qur’an to all of humanity.

Allah says,

“…yawma (this day) akmaltu (Today have I perfected) dīnakum (your manner of conduct) , wa-atmamtu (and have completed) niʿ’matī (My Favor) waraḍītu (and have approved) for you is’lāma (Al Islam) dīnan (as your system)…” 5/3

If you notice Allah makes it clear that ‘yawma/this day’ Allah akmaltu/today have I perfected…

The Arabic word akmaltu comes from the root kāf mīm lām (ك م ل) which means to  complete, in total, in all, perfect achieved.

Then Allah says wa-atmamtu/and have completed

Again, Allah makes it clear the Arabic word wa-atmamtu comes from the root ṭā mīm mīm (ط م م) which means to be entire/full/whole, blossom, full-grown, complete, perfect, fulfilled, accomplish. Strong, firm, hard.

So we have a COMPLETE SYSTEM given to us by Allah sending down to humanity the Qur’an which is Complete, Fully Detailed and that it Explains all things. The Prophet Muhammad was the final Prophet who was given this message to humanity not just to the Arabs.

So when Allah says

“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but ‘rasūla’(the is the Messenger) of Allah, ‘wakhātama’(and Seal) ‘l-nabiyīna’ (OF THE PROPHETS): And Allah has full knowledge of all things.” 33/40

Allah uses the Arabic word ‘wakhātama’(and Seal) and the Arabic root is Khatama which means: To seal, Put a signet upon Stamp, Imprint, End, ==> Complete a thing

See the Qur’an explains itself through other ayats we can’t just be stuck on Surah 33/40 there are other ayats that explains that the Qur’an is the last and final revelation sent down to His last and final Prophet Muhammad.

Khatama ‘ala qalbihi means:

To seal the heart
Harden it

Khatim means:


Khatam means:

The Best
The most perfect
The embellishment and ornament

In Surah 33:40, Allah says the Prophet Muhammad was Khatam and not Khatim because a deeper significance carried in the phrase Khatam (seal) than mere Khatim (last). The difference between Khatim and Khatam is that the meaning of Khatim is last part or portion of a thing that is best, thus this indicates finality combined with perfection and continuation of its blessing.

Thus Khatam al Nabiyyin means:

The closer of the long line of Prophets, hence, Prophet Muhammad is not only a Prophet but the final, and out of the best and the most perfect Prophet who has delievered Allah’s Message to the entire humanity. He wasn’t just sent to the Arabs, as other previous prophets were sent to their own people. Isa ibn Maryam was said to be sent to the lost sheep. If we are the lost sheep today the Qur’an has come….If we are the Israelites, the Qur’an is sent to us. There is no need for a new Prophet… again any one can be a reformer/messenger in the sense of calling to what is good and forbidding what is wrong.

People who claimed to be Prophets after the Prophet Muhammad:

1) Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835–1908), who claimed to have fulfilled the prophecies about the world reformer of the end times, who was to herald the Eschaton as predicted in the traditions of various world religions and bring about the final triumph of Islam as per Islamic prophecy.

File:Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.jpg

He claimed that he was the Mujaddid (divine reformer) of the 14th Islamic century, the promised Messiah and Mahdi awaited by Muslims.

The Chopping Block

The False Prophecies of a False Prophet

Mirza Ghulam Qadiani’s False Predictions

Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, the founder of Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat), wrote in his books:
  • “To Judge my truthfulness or lies, there is no better test than my prophecies.”   (Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 19, P. 288)
  • “Let it be known to unbelieving persons that my truthfulness or falsehood will be judged by my prophecies.  There is no other touchstone for it.”   (Pamphlet, 10th July 1888; Aina-e-Kamalat-i-Islam, P. 288)
  • “I do not speak of my volition.  Indeed, that is nothing but revelation which is revealed.”   (Tabligh-e-Risalat, Vol. 5, P. 58)
  • Torah and Quran have designated Prophecies as the only big proof of Prophethood.”   (Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 12, P. 111)
  • “It is not possible that the prophecies of Prophets are delayed.”   (Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 19, P. 5)
  • “To turn out a liar in his own prophecy is biggest disgrace of disgraces.”   (Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 15, P. 382)
  • Let us examine his better known prophecies of the person who called himself a Prophet, Mehdi, and the Promised Messiah.  According to Mirza Ghulam himself, even if only one prophecy has not come to pass, we should view him a liar and an impostor.  
     Let’s count his most famous prophecies which did not come to pass:

  • Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was badly humiliated by Mr. A.K. Atham, a Christian, in a         debate. Mirza Ghulam’s repeated prophecies regarding a miserable death for Mr. Atham did not come to pass.
  • Prophecy concerning Multiple Marriages and many Children“Indeed God has given me the good news that I shall have numerous children from blessed women, whom I shall marry after this revelation.”    (Tabligh-i-Risalat, Vol. 5, P. 58)“In February 1886, I made a declaration after receiving revelation from God that He gave me good news of marriages after this declaration and soon I shall marry women of good omen and virtue and to me will be born children from them.”    (Tabligh-i-Risalat, Vol. 1, P. 89)Mirza Ghulam made this statement when he was 46 years old.  The fact is that he did not marry anyone after this prophecy.

“It is God’s intention that He will bring two ladies in my wedlock.  One will be virgin and the other widow. Therefore, this inspiration that is related to Bikr (virgin), it has been fulfilled and, presently by the grace of God, I have four sons from this wife.  I am still waiting for the fulfillment of the inspiration regarding widow.”  (Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 15, P. 201)

 If you want to read more about Mirza Ghulam false prophecies please visit:

2) There are the Submitters who say that Rashad Khalifah is the ‘Messenger’ of the Covenant of Surah 3:81. Khalifah claimed that he was a messenger (rasul) of God and that the Archangel Gabriel ‘most assertively’ told him that chapter 36, verse 3, of the Quran, ‘specifically’ referred to him.

His followers refer to him as God’s Messenger of the Covenant. He promoted a strict monotheism and was a prominent Quranist, rejecting the hadith and sunnah as fabrications attributed to prophet Muhammad by later scholars.

Putting these people on the chopping block one thing we have to iron out is the truth about them and what people like Rashad Khalifah profess. These are his words, in his organization. Hence, this is not based on the Media.

Rashad Khalifa . . . stated the following in the monthly Newsletter, “Submission Perspective” of September 1989:


Rashad Khalifah professed to represent a returning Messiah and Mahdi, teachings not found in the Qur’an. This is found in his newsletter and reported on

Rashad Khalifah made false prophecy that did not come true:

Rashad Khalifah made prophecy of when the Day of Judgment comes yet we all know that only Allah has knowledge of the Hour referencing Surah 43:61-66, 72:27

Rashad Khalifa‘s belief is that he was the consolidating and purifying Messenger of the Covenant prophesied in the Bible (Malachi 3:1-21, Luke 17:22-36, & Matthew 24:27) and in the Qur’an (3:81) with the referencing of Malachi 3:1as Bayyinat (Clear evidence) yet, the Messenger of the Covenant is named  in Malachi 4:5. 

“See, I will send you the prophet ELIJAH before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes.” Now Elijah also is known as Elias, is spoken of in the Quran and the Bible.

Prophet Elijah (Elias)

“And Zakariya (Zachariya), and Yahya (John) and ‘Îsa (Jesus) and Iliyas (Elias), each one of them was of the righteous.” 6/85

“And verily, Iliyas (Elias) was one of the Messengers.” 37/123 

“But they denied him [Iliyas (Elias)], so they will certainly be brought forth (to the punishment),” 37/127

 ”Salam (peace) be upon Ilyasin (Elias)!”  37/130

Elijah/Elias reference in the Bile in I Kings 18:20-40

We know without a doubt in our mind that Rashad Khalifa is not/was not Elias.

Allah says,

“And certainly We have made clear for men in this Qur’an every kind of description, but most men consent naught save denying.” Surah 17:89

The Qur’an is also clear that the Qur’an explains itself. The Qur’an is its own exegesis/tasfir. Allah is clear; those who write something and say it is from Allah are Zalimun (alththalimeena); wicked, unjust, evil doers. Surah 2:174-176, 3:94, 6:93, 62:5

Rashad Khalifa is not Elias. Peace and blessings on all the Prophets of Allah.
“And certainly We have made clear for men in this Quran every kind of description, but most men consent naught save denying.” Surah 17:89

Allah is clear; those who write something and say it is from Allah are Zalimun (alththalimeena); wicked, unjust, evil doers. Surah 2:174-176, 3:94, 6:93, 62:5

Allah says,

“Then whoever fabricates a lie against Allah after this, these it is that are the unjust.” Surah 3:94

Rashad Khalifah was nothing more than a 21 Century Hadithist. His Appendix are nothing more than rewritten hadith. Instead of saying Qur’an and Sunnah now for those who follow Rashad Khalifah its Qur’an and Appendix.

3) Noble Drew Ali reported that during his travels, he met with a high priest of Egyptian magic. In one version of Drew’s biography, the leader saw him as a reincarnation of the founder, while in others, the priest considered Drew a reincarnation of Jesus, the Buddha, Muhammad and other religious prophets. According to the biography, the high priest trained Drew in mysticism and gave him a lost section of the Koran.


Drew claimed to have been anointed Noble Drew Ali, the Prophet. He launched into his career as head of the Moorish Science Temple of America. Drew taught his followers to “face east when praying, regard Friday as their holy day, and call their god Allah and their leader Prophet. Moorish-Americans are not obligated to follow Islam completely. They pray five times a day, and travel to Mecca only if they choose to do so. Many hymns sung are recognizable as adapted from traditional Christian hymns common in black churches.

Timothy Drew Ali….

Religious Leader. The founder of Moorish Science Temple of America, he was born Timothy Drew in North Carolina. Adopted into the Cherokee Tribe, he worked as a circus magician, then traveled to Egypt where he studied under a priest who recognized him as a “prophet.” He established his first temple in Newark, New Jersey in 1913. His Chicago temple was called the Moorish Science Temple of America. Ali taught that blacks are Moabites or Moors, for whom the promised land is Morocco. He died after being beaten by Chicago police. (bio by: David M. Habben)

Key operative: he studied under a priest who recognized him as a ‘prophet’ 

Timothy Drew was born on January 8, 1886 in North Carolina, USA the accounts of Timothy Drew’s ancestry variously describe his being the son of two former slaves who was adopted by a tribe of Cherokee Native Americans to his being the son of a Moroccan Muslim father and a Cherokee mother. He is recorded, perhaps apocryphally, as saying, “When I was born, it turned black dark in the daytime. The people put their hoes down and came out of the fields.”

His mother apparently died while Drew was a young boy, and left him to an abusive aunt. According to the Moorish Science account, at the age of 16 he befriended a band of Roma (“gypsies”) with whom he traveled the world, although other accounts state he shipped out on a merchant seaman, became a railway express manor joined a circus and became a stage magician. Some researchers wonder whether Drew actually left the States at all

It was supposedly during these travels that he met the high priest of an Egyptian cult of magic. In one version of Drew’s biography, the leader saw him as a reincarnation of the founder of the cult, while in others he considered him a reincarnation of Jesus. According to the biography, the cult trained him in mysticism and bestowed upon him a lost version of the life of Jesus.

Key operative: the leader saw him as a reincarnation of the founder of the cult, while in others he considered him a reincarnation of Jesus

This text came to be known as the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America (note that this text is never spelled Qur’an). It is also known, somewhat more informally, as the Circle Seven Koran due to its cover, which features a red “7″ surrounded by a blue circle.

Drew was anointed the Noble Drew Ali, the Prophet, and launched into his career as head of the Moorish Science Temple.

Here the door was wide open for GREAT LEARNING, beyond the regular established educational institution. Here he rose through the ranks. Here he came in contact with the Creed of Islam. Here he became a Noble of the Egyptian Mystic Shrine. But unlike others, he became attached to the principles, creed and faith of the ONE GOD principal as taught by Prophet Mohammed.

Key operative:  he came in contact with the Creed of Islam. Here he became Noble of the Egyptian Mystic Shrine

Some state that this is not true Islam, yet while slavery still existed in the Ottoman Empire, which stretched from the tip of Turkey to the top of North West Africa. Therefore slavery was much worse. Not only did they enslave the Moorish descendants there, but also they castrated them and made them guardians of their prostitutes called harems. To make it worse, they socially and physically raped their women. Slavery was one of the major sources of economic security for the Arabians at that hour, as well as the fact they did not come propagating the faith of Mohammed but ENSLAVING under the banner of the Crescent and the Star.

Thus while other nations and people of other ethnic groups were advancing and ALLOWED to make their own fortunes, the members of Timothy Drew’s race were being held down, by either the weight of the cross on their back or under the crescent point of Islam, making the WHOLE RACE OF PEOPLE orphans!

Yet, Noble Drew still found much wisdom and understanding in Islam to be discovered. He began to STUDY even more the precepts, principles, practices, and THE FAITH of Prophet Mohammed, for in it he knew that there was salvation for his people, IF TAUGHT PROPERLY!

Its clear Allah says that from the above Allah didn’t make Noble Drew Ali a Prophet. 

Allah says,

“See how We repeat the verses that they may understand.” (6:65)

“And certainly We have repeated for mankind in this Quran, every kind of similitude, but the majority of mankind do not consent to aught but denying.” (17:89)

“And We have revealed the Book to you which has the clear explanation of everything, and a guidance and mercy and good news for those who submit.” (16:89)

“.. nothing have we omitted from the Book..” (6:38)

Now to further elaborate about the repetition of ayats and how the ayats of the Qur’an explains other ayats of the Qur’an basically the Qur’an explains itself.

Allah says,

‘arsalnāka’ (We have sent you) ‘illā’ (except) ’kāffatan’(comprehensively) ’lilnnāsi’
(to humanity) ‘bashīran’ (as a giver of glad tidings) ’wanadhīran’ (and as a warner).

Was the Prophet Muhammad with the message of the Qur’an sent to ’lilnnāsi’ (to Adamites)?

The Arabic word Allah uses is ’lilnnāsi’ which has its root from Nasa which the word Insan, Al-Nas, which is a collective noun it mean:

1) People
2) Adamites

Again, I may forward my contention that Prophet Muhammad was sent as a Messenger to ’lilnnāsi’ ADAMITES D with the message of Al Qur’an. Now does ‘ADAMITES’ include the Blacks, Whites and every other color on the planet, I believe it does. Is the Qur’an sent to all nations, to all peoples on the planet earth, I believe it was.

Why then would Allah send anyone after him as a new Messenger? Its clear that a messenger must have a message to be a messenger, thus when you call someone a “messenger” you are directly linking them to the message, no ifs or buts and the message the Prophet Muhammad brought was Al Qur’an.

Allah says,

“For me, I have been commanded to serve the Lord of this City, Him Who has sanctified it and to Whom (belong) all things: And I am commanded to be of those who bow in Islam to Allah’s Will, — and to rehearse the Quran: And if any accept guidance, they do it for the good of their souls, and if any stray, say: I am only a Warner. [27:91]“

Again, listen to what the above ayats concludes with:

“And if any accept guidance, they do it for the good of their souls, and if any stray, say: I am only a Warner. [27:91]“

Again, there is no room for those who claim that they are messengers but not prophets…

“It is He who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the deen of Truth. That HE MAKE IT PREVAIL OVER ALL DIN, even though the pagans may detest (it). [61/9]“

The clear assertion by Allah, in the above verse, that He “…make it prevail over all deen…” indicates that this is the FINAL and complete deen. This is also in conformity with the statement that Islam is the Truth without form, it is THE primordial deen of mankind, which will NEVER change:

“So set thou thy face truly to the deen being upright, the NATURE in which Allah has made mankind: NO CHANGE (there is) in the work (wrought) by Allah: that is the TRUE DEEN: But most among mankind know not. [30/30]“

“…For Allah hath indeed sent down to you a Message,– A Messenger, who rehearses to you the Signs of Allah containing clear explanations, that he may lead forth those who believe and do righteous deeds from the depths of Darkness into Light. [65:11]“

Also, Prophet Muhammad was sent as a Messenger, and it is CLEAR that his message contained the affirmation that he is the FINAL Messenger with the final message, Al Qur’an and if we state that there may come another messenger after him, then we are MOCKING him, and, as a result, mocking Allah and the Qur’an.

Such is the concept of mockery referred to in the above ayat. Also, as I said above, ANY person that calls people to the righteous path is considered a Rasul (within the confines of the definition of a messenger (rasul) as a “carrier” or a “caller to righteousness” as stated above.

However, he is NOT an inspired individual sent by Allah with a Book as such, if people mock him, then they have also mocked a messenger, as the above ayat suggests.

So is there a possibility of another prophet or messenger coming after Prophet Muhammad hence, requires that we examine creation from several facets:

1) sociological, 2) evolutionary, 3) political, 4) historical, 5) scientific, 6) religious, and 7) philosophical

Prophet Muhammad was given the Qur’an alone which he was the Messenger of Allah with the message sent for all nations/beings including the lost Sheep, the Moors however we want to express who we are in the West as Moors, Lost Sheep, Africans, Black people…etc. So a question that I have is was the Prophet Muhammad sent with the Qur’an (Allah’s Revelation) to just the Arabs or does the Qur’an say that the Prophet Muhammad’s message was also sent to all of humanity which would include again the Moors/Lost Sheep in America, Israel, Africa basically is the Qur’an sent to all of the nations of the words?

Seal Of The Prophets

Make no mistake about it, Prophet Mohammed is the Seal of all the Prophets.  Albeit this truth does not contradict the Great Covenant that “Allah will (always) raise a Prophet from among a Nation which has fallen from His grace”.  It was Allah’s ordination for this Arabian born Prophet Mohammed, through the Angel Gabriel, to “read” this Truth into the Holy Quran.  The Holy Quran reads: Sura 33:40 “Mohammed is not the Father of any of your Men, but (He is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets.  And Allah has full knowledge of all things.”

According to the teachings of Timothy (Noble) Drew Ali they believe in the following:

“The Suras (chapters) of the Great Holy Quran are the most purely maintained and unaltered words of all the Holy Books through the Prophets of the epochs.  If all the Holy Quran(s) were to be burned today… it would be perfectly reread (transcribed) and rebound, from the hearts of Moslems, before the five prayers a day could be made.  There is no other King’s Version of the Holy Quran.  It still remains Allah’s own Record Book.  It is from the Divine exactness of its words, which guide the Faithful Moslems to improve their faithfulness.  The Words of Allah are the only Truth man needeth to know.  It is only when these words are interpreted by man and then transliterated or translated to other men is when problems can and do occur.  The Words of Allah are like the rains that fall upon the forest and the desert alike.  One reproduces in gratitude the other returns no favors.  The fault is not in the rain.  The Holy Words of Allah are for the spiritual and natural development of the human family.  The Believers hearts are open for growth; while the unbelievers are in the semblance of Moslems, only shadows in time yielding nothing.”

What Is A Seal?

A seal is any authorized mark or form of conclusion.  A seal represents a final enclosure.  It is a fortification against entry of release.  Seals are the completion of a growth or periods to a statement.  In layman’s terms, “that’s it and there ain’t no more.”

What Is A Prophet?

A Prophet is a thought of The Great God manifested in the flesh.  All Prophets come in human form (Sura 14:10-11, 16:43-44, 17:94-95, 21:7-8, 25:7-8, 20).  If Prophets were to appear in their purest form, the carnal minds of men could not comprehend them.  In fact, the material-based psychic would simply shut down from the fear and seek relief by collapsing into a coma.  Therefore all Prophets come through the mercy of The Creator by appearing in the replica of the people they were sent to save.  The history of prophets reveals Confucius appeared as a Chinese, Buddha as Indian, Jesus as an Israelite, Mohammed as Arabian etc.  These Angelic forces ate foods, defecated, walked through markets, wore the clothes of their era, had human organs, limbs and senses.  Some laughed, cried and even raged with anger because they all had human ties.  This is one reason they all warned and pleaded to the people to not worship them nor take them as Allah and to only give due praises to the One which sent them (Sura 14: 10-11).

A Prophet is a Messenger of Allah sent to bring a higher degree of the Everlasting Gospel than the Prophets before them.  They come in one of three ways, e.g. A Prophet is ordained by Allah, chosen to receive Revelations from Allah or prepared by a major Angel of Allah (Gabriel, Michael, etc.)  They all make a book of their messages from Allah and leave it for the guidance of all men.  Unlike Soothsayers, Prophets receive their inspirations directly from Allah’s Great Treasures of Truth.  Their insights are never due to their own wisdom, but through revelations received from The Great God, Allah.  Another resounding attribute of a true Prophet is they are able to perform miracles.  Raising the Dead, giving sight to the blind, making the dumb speak from a higher tone and causing the lame to be upright and independent are a few miracles brought to a People through which a True Prophet is born.
Malaika are sent Angelic messengers:
Allah says,
“Say, “If the planet earth were inhabited by malaikatun (Angelic Beings) walking about secure and sound, We would have sent down to them from the sky a malakan rasoolan (Angelic Messenger).” 17/95
This ayat clearly says that if the planet earth was inhabited by Malaika (Controlling Forces/Angels) Allah would have sent down an Malaika Messenger. Why? Because the Malaika in the Spiritual state are spiritual beings who are not basharan (human beings) that have no mass, no flesh and bones but yet the planet earth (Al Ard) are inhabited by basharan (human beings).
Hence, if Allah would send us Messengers from the sky, they would come down as basharan (human beings) and not as invisible spirits which is only common sense.
“And if We made him malakan (an angel), We would have made him arajulan (man), walalabasnā (and We would have dressed on him) from what they dress.” 6/9
walalabasnā comes from the Arabic root lām bā sīn (ل ب س) which means to wear/cover, put on a garment, be clothed in, envelop,conceal, conformed, cloak/disguise, that which is worn. Obscure/confuse/confound, mystify, render a thing obscure and confused to another. Employed/busied/occupied hmself with/within a thing, become involved/entangled/complicated, to mix/mingle/accompany a thing. labasa
So basically Allah clearly gives us the Sunnah of how things go. If there were Malaika (Controlling Forces/Angels)  living on earth Allah would have sent the Malaika (Controlling Forces/Angels) an Malaika Messenger.
Now interesing that Bashar appears approximately 36 times in Quran. The form of ‘bashar’ will appear after the highlighted English equivalent in the verse. In Surah 3:79
 ”It was not to a  Libasharin (human) that Allah gives him The Book and the judgment/rule and the prophethood then he says to the people: “Be/become worshippers/slaves to me, from other than Allah”. And but: “Be knowledgeable Lord worshippers with what you were teaching The Book and with what you were studying “. 3/79
“The Jews and the Christians say, ‘We are Allah’s children and His beloved ones.’ Say, ‘Then why does He punish you for your sins?’ Rather you are Basharun (humans) from among His creatures. He forgives whomever He wishes, and punishes whomever He wishes, and to Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and whatever is between them, and toward Him is the return. 5/18
They did not regard Allah with the regard due to Him when they said, ‘Allah has not sent down anything to any Basharin (human being).’ Say, ‘Who had sent down the Book that was brought by Moses as a light and guidance for the people, which You make into parchments that you display, while you conceal much of it, and [by means of which] you were taught what you did not know, [neither] you nor your fathers?’ Say, ‘Allah!’ Then leave them to play around in their impious gossip. 6/91
“The leaders of the people who were unbelievers, replied: “We see that you are but  Basharan (human being) like us, and see that none among us follows you but the meanest and immature of judgement, and do not see any excellence in you above us. In fact, we think you are a liar.” 11/27
Their Messengers said, ‘Is there any doubt regarding God, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, who calls you so that He may forgive you your sins, and defer you to a term stated?’ They said, ‘You are nothing but Basharun (humans), like us; you desire to bar us from that our fathers served; then bring us a manifest authority.’ 14/10
“Their Messengers said to them, ‘We are nothing but Basharun (human beings) like yourselves. But Allah shows favour to any of His slaves He wills. It is not for us to bring you an authority except by Allah’s permission. So let the muminun put their trust in Allah.” 14/11
“We certainly know that they say, ‘It is only a Basharun (human being) that instructs him.’ The language of him to whom they refer is non-Arabic, while this is a clear Arabic language.” 16/103
`Or, there be a house made of gold for you, or you ascend into the heaven; but we will not believe in your ascending till you bring down to us a book that we can read.’ (Say), `Glory be to my Lord! I am not but a Basharan (human being) (sent as) a Messenger.’ 17/93
“And nothing has prevented the people from believing when the guidance came to them except their sayings, `Has Allâh raised a Basharan (human being) (like us) as a Messenger?” 17/94
“Say, `I am but a Basharun (human being) like you. It has been revealed to me that your God is only One God. So let him who hopes to meet his Lord do deeds of righteousness and let him associate no one in the worship of his Lord.” 18/110
 ”then she used a barrier to hide herself from them. Then, We sent to her Our Spirit, (Jibra‘il) and he took before her the form of a perfect Basharan (human being).” 19/17
“While their minds are inattentive. Those of them who have transgressed the limits, keep their counsels (against the Prophet of their time) secret (and say), `He is only a Basharun (human being) like yourselves. Will you be seduced by his skillful eloquence while you see and know?’” 21/3
“We did not give any Libasharin (human being) before you immortality. And if you die, will they then be immortal?” 21/34
“And said the leaders of his people, who disbelieved and denied the confronting of the Hereafter – and We had given them comfort in the worldly life – that, “He is nothing but a Basharun (human being) like you, he eats from what you eat and drinks from what you drink.” 23/33
 ”So if you follow a Basharan (human being) like yourself you will certainly be doomed.” 23/34
“They said, ‘Shall we believe Libasharayni (two humans) like ourselves, while their people are our slaves?’ ” 23/47
“And it is He Who created Basharan (human being) from water, then appointed relatives and in-laws for him; and your Lord is All Able.” 25/54
“You are nothing but a Basharun (human being) like ourselves, so produce a Sign if you are telling the truth.’” 26/154
“You are nothing but a Basharun (human being) like ourselves. We think you are a liar.” 26/186
“And among His visible signs and His marvels displaying Omnipotence and Authority is that He brought you to being from dust by special creation and you evolved as Basharun (human beings) spreading throughout the earth in various directions.” 30/20
“They said: “You are nothing but Basharun (human being) like us and God, the most Gracious has not sent anything through you and you are surely liars.” 36/15
 ”Say: ‘I am only a Basharun (human being) like yourselves. It is revealed to me that your god is One God. So be straight with Him and ask His forgiveness.’ Woe to those who associate others with Him:” 41/6
“They said, ‘Are we to follow a Basharan (human being), one of us? Then we would truly be misguided, quite insane!” 54/24
“That is because, when their Messengers came to them with clear proofs they said: ‘Shall A basharun (human being) be our guides? ‘ They disbelieved and turned away, but Allah was not in need (of them). Allah is the Rich and the Praised.” 64/6
“`This is nothing but mere words of a Basharan (human being).’” 74/25
When they saw him, the women were so wonder struck they cut their hands, and exclaimed: “O Lord preserve us. ! He is no basharan (human being) but an honorable malakun (Controlling Force/Angel) .” 12/31
Hence, in other words, ‘bashar’ in all respects stands for a mortal being or mortality, and that which is its antithesis would be something immortal or spiritual in nature.
“If Prophets were to appear in their purest form, the carnal minds of men could not comprehend them.” Moorish Science Temple belief
This belief is unquranic. All of the Prophets of Allah were nothing more than ‘Basharan/human beings’. Noble Drew Ali and their followers are mistakenly mixing up Malaika (Controlling Forces) with Prophets who were nothing more than Basharan/Human beings.
“Therefore all Prophets come through the mercy of The Creator by appearing in the replica of the people they were sent to save.” Moorish Science Temple
No where in the entire Qur’an does Allah say that the Prophets of Allah come through the mercy of Him by appearing in the replica of the people they were sent to.
Again, Allah says,
“Say, “If the planet earth were inhabited by malaikatun (Controlling Forces/Angelic Beings) walking about secure and sound, We would have sent down to them from the sky a malakan rasoolan (Angelic Messenger).” 17/95
This ayat clearly says that if the planet earth was inhabited by Malaika (Controlling Forces/Angels) Allah would have sent down an Malaika Messenger. Why? Because the Malaika in the Spiritual state are spiritual beings who are not basharan (human beings) that have no mass, no flesh and bones but yet the planet earth (Al Ard) are inhabited by basharan (human beings).
Hence, if Allah would send us Messengers from the sky, they would come down as basharan (human beings) and not as invisible spirits which is only common sense.
“And if We made him malakan (an angel), We would have made him arajulan (man), walalabasnā (and We would have dressed on him) from what they dress.” 6/9
“The history of prophets reveals Confucius appeared as a Chinese, Buddha as Indian, Jesus as an Israelite, Mohammed as Arabian etc.  These Angelic forces ate foods, defecated, walked through markets, wore the clothes of their era, had human organs, limbs and senses.  Some laughed, cried and even raged with anger because they all had human ties.” Moorish Science Temple 
Now according to Noble Drew Ali Prophet Muhammad was of the Malaika (Controlling Forces) again this is unquranic and far from the truth. This is what the Prophet Muhammad instructed Prophet Muhammad to tell his people…
Allah says,
“Say, `I am but a Basharun (human being) like you. It has been revealed to me that your God is only One God. So let him who hopes to meet his Lord do deeds of righteousness and let him associate no one in the worship of his Lord.” 18/110
Hence, do the Malaika (Controlling Forces/Angelic Forces) eat food as Noble Drew Ali and his followers of the Moorish Science Temple believe according to the Qur’an?
Allah says
“They also say, ‘What ails this Messenger that he eats food, and goes in the markets? Why has an malakun (Controlling force) not been sent down to him, to be a warner with him? 25/7
“We never sent before you any messengers but lo! they verily ate food and walked in the markets. And We have appointed some of you a test for others: Will ye be steadfast? And thy Lord is ever Seer.” 25/20
“Our messengers came to Abraham with the good tidings; they said, ‘Peace!’ ‘Peace,’ he said; and presently he brought a roasted calf. And when he saw their hands not reaching towards it, he was suspicious of them and conceived a fear of them. They said, ‘Fear not; we have been sent to the people of Lot.’ 11/69-70
“Has the story reached you, of the honoured guests of Ibrahim (Abraham)? When they came in to him, and said, “Salam, (peace be upon you)!” He answered; “Salam, (peace be upon you),” and said: “You are a people unknown to me,” Then he turned to his household, so brought out a roasted calf [as the property of Ibrahim (Abraham) was mainly cows]. And placed it before them, (saying): “Will you not eat?” Then he conceived a fear of them (when they ate not). They said: “Fear not.” And they gave him glad tidings of an intelligent son, having knowledge (about Allah and His religion of True Monotheism). Then his wife came forward with a loud voice, she smote her face, and said: “A barren old woman!” They said: “Even so says your Lord. Verily, He is the All-Wise, the All-Knower.” Ibrahim (Abraham)] said: “Then for what purpose you have come, O Messengers?” 51/24-31
According to the above ayats the Malaika (Controlling Forces) do not eat food when they come down to earth. However, Basharan (human beings) do eat food and these Basharan (human beings) are ordinary human beings and even the human beings who are blessed with Prophet-hood. So this refutes and contradicts the teachings of the Moorish Science Temple along with the Self proclaimed Prophet, Noble Drew Ali in regarding the Prophets of Allah being anything but Basharan (human beings).
Was the Qur’an sent to all the worlds….all of humanity, all of the nations on the earth including the Moors/Blacks, Asians, Whites, Reds, Yellows…?
“These are the verses of Allah. We recite them to you, in truth; and Allah wants no injustice lil’ʿālamīna (to the worlds.)” 3/108
” Those are the ones whom Allah has guided, so from their guidance take an example. Say, “I ask of you for this message no payment. It is not but a reminder lil’ʿālamīna (to the worlds.)“ 6/90,
“And you do not ask of them for it any payment. It is not except a reminder lil’ʿālamīna (to the worlds.)“ 12/104
“And We have not sent you, except as a mercy lil’ʿālamīna (to the worlds.)“ 21/107
“Blessed is He who sent down the Criterion upon His Servant that he may be lil’ʿālamīna (to the worlds) a warner -” 25/1
“It is but a reminder lil’ʿālamīna (to the worlds.)” 38/87
“But it is not except a reminder lil’ʿālamīna (to the worlds.)” 68/52
“It is not except a reminder lil’ʿālamīna (to the worlds.)“ 81/27
“It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance wadīni (and the system) of truth liyuẓ’hirahu (to make it previal) over dīni (the systems) kullihi (all religion of them) although those who associate others with Allah dislike it.” 61/9
“And We have not sent you, except as a mercy lil’ʿālamīna (to the worlds.)“ 21/107
The Arabic word lil’ʿālamīna comes from the root ʿayn lām mīm (ع ل م) which means to mark, sign, distinguish, creations/beings, world, science, learning, knowledge, information, aware, know. By means of which one knows a thing, hence it signifies world or creation, because by it the Creator is known. Basically, ayn lam mim means all beings, worlds so when Allah says,
“And it was not [possible] for this Qur’an to be produced by other than Allah , but [it is] a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of the [former] Scripture, about which there is no doubt, from rabbi (the Lord) ālamīna (of the worlds.)” 10/37
Again,  lil’ʿālamīna (to the worlds) that the Prophet Muhammad who was sent the Qur’an Divine Revelation was sent to all class, all divisions of created beings, the human beings that is. 
Are we in need for a NEW Prophet especially the Africans/Blacks/Lost Sheep as some call us, Moors and in general are we in need of a new message and a new deen of Islam because some say the old so called religion of Islam has become corrupted?
Hence, not I, but Allah tells us that His Book, the Qur’an is COMPLETE, PERFECT, FULLY DETAILED AND THAT IT EXPLAINS ALL THINGS (Qur’aan 6:114-115; 16:89; 6:38; 12:111).
Allah makes it clear that Allah perfected the deen of Al-Islam during the time of the Prophet Muhammad I give reference to Surah 3/19, 3/85, 5/3, 6/125, 9/74, 21/92, 39/22, 49/17 and 61/7. The Qur’an was not just sent to the people of Arabia, again the Qur’an was sent to  lil’ʿālamīna (to the worlds). With this in mind there is no need for further Prophets as we still have the Truth with us today in the Form of a Book, the Qur’an.
Allah says,
“Those who listen to the word, then follow the best of it; those are they whom Allah has guided, and those it is who are the men of understanding.” Surah 39/18
Allah instructs us all to be witnesses of Al-Islam, giving the good news and warning of the Day of Judgement: Surah 9/122, 22/78, 35/3-4, 35/23, 36/1-4, 61/14
but we are not Prophets. 
Let us revisit:
“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but ‘rasūla’(the is the Messenger) of Allah,‘wakhātama’(and Seal) ‘l-nabiyīna’ (OF THE PROPHETS): And Allah has full knowledge of all things.”
Allah uses the Arabic word ‘wakhātama’(and Seal) and the Arabic root is Khatama which means: To seal, Put a signet upon Stamp, Imprint, End, ==> Complete a thing <==
The Qur’an explains itself.
Allah says, 
khatama (has set a seal) Allah upon qulūbihim (their hearts) and upon samʿihim (their hearing), and over abṣārihim (their vision) is a veil. And for them is a great punishment.” 2/7
“Have you seen he who has taken as his god his [own] desire, and Allah has sent him astray due to knowledge wakhatama (and has set a seal) upon samʿihi (his hearing) waqalbihi (and his heart) and put over baṣarihi (his vision) a veil? So who will guide him after Allah ? Then will you not be reminded?” 45/23
“Say, “Have you considered: if Allah should take away your hearing and wa-abṣārakum (your sight) wakhatama (and sealed) upon qulūbikum (your hearts), which deity other than Allah could bring them [back] to you?” Look how we diversify the verses; then they [still] turn away.” 6/46
All the classical lexicons of Arabic and the Quran give the meaning of Khatam an-nabiyyin as “Last of the Prophets”. For example,
  1. Taj -al-`arus,
  2. Lisan al-`arab,
  3. Raghib’s famous Mufradat of the Quran,
  4. Majma bihar al-anwar (a dictionary of Hadith),
all say that Khatam an-nabiyyin means the Last of the Prophets.
Edward William Lane’s Arabic-English Lexicon, based on the classical Arabic lexicons such as those above, says:
“Khatam an-nabiyyin and khatim an-nabiyyin both in the Quran mean the last of the prophets (33:40).”
The above lexicons also record that the usage khatam al-qaum existed among the pre-Islamic Arabs and meant akhiru-hum or the “last of the people”.
Meanings of khatim, khatam, etc.
While “seal” is a meaning of khatam, it is also mentioned in every major lexicon that “last” is also its meaning. The lexicons record that khatam is similar in meaning to several of its variants (such as khatim) and that it means the “last part” of something.
Taj al-`arus
The Taj al-`arus says:
“wal-khatamu min kulli shai-in `aqibatu-hu wa akhiratu-hu ka-khatimati-hi wal-khatamu akhir-il qaum.”
The khatam of anything is its end (`aqib) and its last part (akhir), as its khatim is, and the last of a people is its khatam.
Taj al-`arus also says:
“khatama ash-shai means ‘he reached the end of a thing’. From this is derived khatamtu-l-Qurana which means ‘I reached the end of the Quran’. Thekhatam of a people (qaum) is the last (akhir) of them, just as the khatim is. And it is in the word of Allah: khatam an-nabiyyin, that is, the Last (akhir) of them.”
Similar meanings are given in:
  1. Lisan al-`arab
  2. the Qamus
  3. Mukhtar as-sihah
  4. Muntaha al-`arab
  5. Sihah al-Jauhari
Lisan al-`arab
In the Lisan al-`arab, it says:
“Wa bil-kasri khatimu-hum, wa bil-fathi khatamu-hum akhiru-hum.”
“With kasra (vowel stroke under a letter) it is khatimu-hum, and with fath (vowel stroke above a letter) it is khatamu-hum, and it means the last of them.”
It goes on to say:
“Khatim and khatam are among the names of the Prophet Muhammad, and in the Quran it says: Muhammad is not the father of any man from among you but he is the messenger of Allah and the khatam of the prophets, that is to say, the Last of them (akhiru-hum).”
Further on it says:
“Among his (Prophet Muhammad’s) names is al-`aqib also, and its meaning is the Last of the prophets (akhirul-anbiya).”
Mufradat of Raghib
This famous dictionary of the Holy Quran, under the root kh-t-m,discusses the various occurrences of words based on this root in the Quran. It then says:
“Khatam an-nabiyyin li-anna-hu khatama an-nubuwwata ayi tammama-ha bi-maji’i-hi.”
“He is the Khatam an-nabiyyin because he ended prophethood, that is, he made it complete by his appearance.”
Classical commentaries (tafasir) of the Quran.
The classical commentators also explain khatam an-nabiyyin as meaning the Last of the prophets.
  1. Abu Hayyan says:
    inna-hum (“they” – the prophets)
    bi-hi (“with him”, i.e. Prophet Muhammad)
    khutimu (“have come to an end”)
    nabiyy-un (“prophets”)
    Here the passive voice khutimu is used, meaning “have come to an end”. 
  2. In Fath al-Bayan, it is recorded:
    “Khatam is that by which something is terminated. Thus the meaning is that God has terminated prophethood with him, and so there is no prophet after him.”
  3. Ibn Jarir (the famous at-Tabari) writes:
    “The meaning of khatam an-nabiyyin, ’ta’ with ‘fath’, is that he is the Last of the prophets.”
  4. In the commentary of al-Baidawi it is written:
    “Akhiru-hum al-ladhi khutima bi-him au khatamu bi-hi”
    “The last (akhir) of them with whom they (the prophets) came to an end, or they came to an end with him.”
Muhammed The Last and Final Messenger Of God

LISAAN AL-‘ARAB لسان العرب

وخَتَمَ الشيءَ خَتْمًا بلغ آخرهُ
والقرآن والكتاب قرأَهُ كلَّهُ وأَتَّمَّهُ
والصكَّ وغيرهُ وضع عليهِ نقش خاتمهِ حتى لا يجري عليهِ التزوير والتبديل
وخَتَم العمل فرغ منهُ
والإِنَاءَ سدَّهُ بالطين ونحوهِ
ومنهُ في سورة المطفّفين يُسْقَوْنَ مِنْ رَحِيقٍ مَخْتُومٍ خِتَامُهُ مِسْكٌ وَفِي ذَلِك فَلْيَتَنَافَسِ المُتَنَافَسُون 
الخاتِم والخاتَم الخاتام وآخِر القوم ج خواتم
الخاتمة مؤَنَّث الخاتم. ومن كل شيءِ أقصاهُ وتمامهُ وعاقبتهُ وآخرتهُ كخاتمة الكتاب وغيرهِ وهي نقيض الفاتحة
Khatama [v.] Khatman [n.] something: reached its ending
the Qur’än and a book: read all of it and comleted it.
a document, or others: put on it a pattern of his seal so it would not be forged or edited
Khatama a job: finished it
a container: sealed it with mud, or so forth.
Also in Sürat AlMuṭaffifïn Qur’än [83:25] 
Khätim, Khätam, Khätäm, and the last of a group, pl. Khawätïm
Khätimah, fem. of Khätim
Of anything: it’s farthest limit, its completion, its end, and outcome
Such as a Khätimah of a book or so forth
and it is the opposite of Fätiħah (opening/opener)

TAAJ AL-‘AROOS تاج العروس

من كل شيء عاقبته وآخرته كخاتمته 
و الخاتم : آخر القوم كالخاتم
ومنه قوله تعالى وخاتم النبيين أي آخرهم 
وقد قرئ بضم التاء وقول العجاج
مبارك للأنبياء خاتم
The Khätam
of any thing is its conclusion and its end as Khätimatihi [its closing]
and the Khätam is the last of a group
and of it is the saying of [Allāh] ta`älä “wa-khätama n-nabiyyïn” [and the Seal of Prophets], meaning their last
It was also recited as khatum with a damma on the ta’; and [the poet] al-’Ajjaj said
A blessing to the prophets, this khatam is!

AL-MUFRIDAAT FEE GHAREEB AL-QUR’AN المفردات لغريب القرآن

وخاتم النبيين: الأحزاب/40، لأنه ختم النبوة، أي: تممها بمجيئه
“and the Seal of the Prophets” [Quran Ahzab:40], because he is the seal of prophet hood, that is: he completed it with his coming.


† The last of a company of men; (Lb, TA ; ) as also ختَمُ and ختِمُ: (K:) whence خَاتَمَ النَّبِيِّينَ †[The last of the prophets], in the Kur [xxxiii. 40]; accord. to one reading, خاتُم, with damm to the ت; (TA;) or الأَنبياء خاتِمُ, i.e. Mohammad; (S;) also called الخاتَمُ and الخاتِمُ.

AQRAB AL-MAWARID أقرب الموارد

خَتَمَ: صاحبهُ تَخْتِيمًا: البيهُ الخاتم في اصبعهِ: الاساس
خِتام كل شربٍ: آخرهُ: التاج
خِتام الوادي: افصا هُ و خِتام القوم آخرهم: التاج
زُفَّت اليهِ بخاتم ربّها و ختمها و خِتامها ايوهي في بكارتها: الاساس و التاج بلا تفسير
الخَتْم: بالفتح: لغة في الخاتم ج خُتُوم: التاج
اعطاني خَتْمِي: اي حسي لان حسب الرجل آخر طلبهِ: التاج
“Khattama”: to wear the ring on one’s finger (or place it on someone else’s finger)
“Khitaam” of a drink is its last drop “Khitaam” of a valley is its endpoint (end of the valley) “Khitaam” of a people (qawm) is their last member “she was delivered in a wedding procession with her “khaatim” or “khitaam” – (meaning with her virginity intact)
“al-Khatm” is another word (with same meaning) for Khaatim, and the plural of that is khutoom “he gave me my Khatm”: means my fill/sufficiency, in other words, the last of his desire.”
AL-MUĦÏT المحيط

العملَ: فرغ مِنْه
القُرآنَ أو الكتاب: قرأَه كُلَّهُ
اللهُ له بالخير: أتمّ عليه نعمته، وجعل له عاقبةً حسنة
من كلِّ شيءٍ : آخره
وَلَكِن رَسُولَ اللَّهِ وَخَاتَمَ النَّبِيِّينَ
إنَّ محمداً علّم فواتحَ الْخَيْر وخواتِمهُ
الأمورُ بخواتمها


 Work: Finished it

The Qur’än or a book: Read it all
Allāh has concluded for him with what is good: completed his blessings on him, and gave him a fare outcome
of anything: it’s end 
Qur’än [33:40]
Muħammad knew the openings of goodness and its closings
Issues are (judged) by their ends [an Arabic version of “All’s well, that ends well”]

MUĦÏT AL-MUĦÏT محيط المحيط

ومحمد صلي الله عليه و سلم, خاتِمُ الأَنبياء , عليه وعليهم الصلاة والسلام
التهذيب : والخاتِم والخاتَم من أَسماء النبي
وفي التنزيل العزيز
مَا كَانَ مُحَمَّدٌ أَبَا أَحَدٍ مِنْ رِجَالِكُمْ وَلَكِنْ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ وَخَاتَمَ النَّبِيِّينَ
أَي آخرهم
قال : وقد قرئ وخاتَمَ
وقول العَجَّاج
مُبارَكٍ للأَنبياء خاتِمِ
إِنما حمله على القراءة المشهورة فكسر
ومن أَسمائه العاقب أَيضاً ومعناه آخر الأَنبياء

Khatamahu and Muħammad, is the seal of prophets. AlKhätim and AlKhätam are among the names of the prophet and in the Glorious Revelation: Qur’än [33:40] meaning their last he says: and it was also read “wa-Khätam”and the saying of Al-Àjjäj: “A blessing to the prophets, this khatam is!” for he based it on the famous pronunciation [Qirä'ah], so he (ended it with or used) a Kasrah and among his names is AlÀäqib also, and its meaning is the last of the prophets.

AL-GHANI الغني

خاتِم، خاتَم 
وَلَكِنْ رَسُولُ الله وَخَاتِمُ النَّبِيِّين 
قرآن) آخِرُ الأنْبِيَاءِ
خَتَمَ عَمَلَهُ : أنْهَاهُ
خَتَمَ الْكِتابَ : أكْمَلَ قِرَاءتَهُ، أتَمَّه
خَتَمَ الصَّبِيُّ الْقُرْآنَ الْكَرِيمَ : أكْمَلَ حِفْظَهُ وَقِرَاءتَهُ
خَتَمَ لَهُ اللهُ بِالْخَيرِ : جَعَلَ نِهَايَتَهُ سَعِيدَةً
(Khätim, Khätam) Qur’än [33:40] 
(Qur’än): the last of the prophets
Khatama his work: Ended it
Khatama the book: completed reading it, completed it
The lad khatama the Noble Qur’än: Completed memorizing and reading it.
Allāh khatama for him with goodness: made his ending happy.

ALWASÏT الوسيط

الخاتِمُ الخاتامُ… و- من كل شيء: آخره
وفي التنزيل العزيز :مَا كَانَ مُحَمَّدٌ أَبَا أَحَدٍ مِنْ رِجَالِكُمْ وَلَكِنْ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ وَخَاتَمَ النَّبِيِّينَ
الخاتِمةُ: من كل شيء: عاقِبتهُ وآخره
(Khätam): Khätäm… and – of anything: it’s end. And in the Glorious Revelation: Qur’än [33:40] (Khätimah): of anything: its end, and last

ALQÄMÜS ALMUĦÏT القاموس المحيط

كالخاتِم والخاتامِ والخَيْتامِ والخِيتام والخَتَمِ: محرَّكةً (والخاتِيامِ) ج [ج] خَواتِمُ وخَواتِيمُ
وقَد (تَخَتمَ) به ومن كلٌ شيءٍ عاقِبَتُه وآخِرَتُهُ (كخَاتِمتِه) وآخِرُ القَوْمِ
Khatamahu (as Khätim, Khätäm, Khaytäm, Khïtam, Khatami) voweled (Khätyäm) [pl.] Khawätïm, Khawätim Has (Takhattama) with it -And of anything, its outcome and its ending as. (Khätimatihi), and the last of a group

According to the Qur’an those who follow teachings outside of what Allah revealed commit idolatry.  Nonetheless, from the Quranic perspective, that contention is NULL and VOID. Nonetheless, certain Truths are integral to Islam, and CANNOT be compromised such as the FACT that Prophet Muhammad is the Final Prophet of Allah.

There was no human “Rasul (Messenger)” who was not also a “naby (Prophet)” I believe the Quran makes status as a “naby” PREQUISITE to being a “rasul”  “It is not meet for a Human Being that Allah should give him the Book wal-ḥuk’ma (and sound judgment) wal-nubuwata (and Prophet-hood), then he should say to people: Be subservient to me rather than Allah; but on the contrary (he would say): Become sustenance providers (to mankind) because of your teaching the Book and your studying (it yourselves).” (3:79)
I believe in order for us to overstand the aspect of Rasul/Naby we also have to oversand in comparison we have to also overstand the aspect of ==> Nadheer/Basheer <== 
I mean since every human blessed with Prophet-hood is a Messenger and is a Prophet and Muhammad was a Messenger, no-one can claim Prophet hood today, or can claim that he/she is recieveing revelation from Allah basically the status of “rasul” is inseparable from that of “naby” 
In terms of the Arabic word ==> the last <== Allah uses this wording in the Qur’an as well:
“Said Isa, the son of Mary, “O Allah , our Lord, send down to us a table [spread with food] from the heaven to be for us a festival for the first of us waākhirinā (and the last) of us and a sign from You. And provide for us, and You are the best of providers.” 5/114
Key operative ==> waākhirinā (and the last) <==
“VERILY, those who have attained to faith [in this divine writ], as well as those who follow the Jewish faith, and the Christians, and the Sabians -all who believe in God and ākhiri (the Last) Day and do righteous deeds-shall have their reward with their Sustainer; and no fear need they have, and neither shall they grieve.” 2/62
Key operative ==> ākhiri (the Last) <== 
“Allah will say, ‘Join the crowds of jinn and Adamites who have gone before you into the Fire.’ Every crowd curses its fellow crowd as it enters, then, when they are all gathered inside, ukh’rāhum (the last of them) will say of the first, ‘Our Lord, it was they who led us astray: give them double punishment in the Fire’- God says, ‘Every one of you will have double punishment, though you do not know it’- 7/38
“and, truly, to Us belongs lalākhirata (the last) and the first.” 92/13
Key operative ==> lalākhirata <==
In the above Surahs/ayat Allah uses the Arabic word lalākhirata and this comes from the Arabic root hamza khā rā (أ خ ر) which means to go backwards, retreat/recede/retire, hold back/delay/postpone/defer, last/back part of a thing. 
I believe there is a big/huge difference between the word words Ahker and Khatam. 
wakhātama comes from khā tā mīm (خ ت م) which means to seal/stamp/imprint/impress, to secure/protect oneself against a thing, produce an impression or effect upon a thing, reach the end of a thing, cover over a thing, turn away/avoid/shun someone or something, to not understand, prevent the heart from believing, feign heedlessness.
So Khatam doesn’t even mean ==> last <== actually…this is why we have other ayats that tells us in agreement with Surah 33/40 how the Prophet Muhammad was the end of the Prophets because the mission has been completed through him Allah further elaborates:
Allah says,
“…yawma (this day) akmaltu (Today have I perfected) dīnakum (your manner of conduct) , wa-atmamtu (and have completed) niʿ’matī (My Favor) waraḍītu (and have approved) for you is’lāma (Al Islam) dīnan (as your system)…” 5/3
If you notice Allah makes it clear that ‘yawma/this day’ Allah akmaltu/today have I perfected…
The Arabic word akmaltu  (Today have I perfected) comes from the root kāf mīm lām (ك م ل) which means to complete, in total, in all, perfect achieved.
Then Allah says wa-atmamtu/and have completed
Again, Allah makes it clear the Arabic word wa-atmamtu comes from the root ṭā mīm mīm (ط م م) which means to be entire/full/whole, blossom, full-grown, complete, perfect, fulfilled, accomplish. Strong, firm, hard.
So we have a COMPLETE SYSTEM given to us by Allah sending down to humanity the Qur’an which is Complete, Fully Detailed and that it Explains all things. The Prophet Muhammad was the final Prophet who was given this message to humanity not just to the Arabs.
So when Allah says
“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but ‘rasūla’(the is the Messenger) of Allah, ‘wakhātama’(and Seal) ‘l-nabiyīna’ (OF THE PROPHETS): And Allah has full knowledge of all things.” 33/40

It means just that the Prophet Muhammad came and delivered the COMPLETE SYSTEM Al Islam through the Qur’an. Since we have this completed.

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